September 14, 2013
The teachings of Abraham ♥
Audio material owned by: Abraham-Hicks ♥ Used with permission under copyright guidelines published on their YouTube channel
Abraham Hicks - Focus, Momentum & MORE!
When you jump out of an airplane, you don't have to worry about keeping your speed up.The teachings of Abraham ♥
Audio material owned by: Abraham-Hicks ♥ Used with permission under copyright guidelines published on their YouTube channel
September 13, 2013
Free ebook: "If thoughts create...then how do people attract negative events they have never thought about?" available at
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit
Abraham Hicks ~ The planet is not ailing - it is Step Oneing
This conversation went to many places - from talking about healing, to healing as a group, and then healing the planet. Good stuff.Free ebook: "If thoughts create...then how do people attract negative events they have never thought about?" available at
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit
September 5, 2013
Thank you to the Source of this information, Abraham-Hicks
To learn more, visit their website
Video by Dewdrop157
Abraham Hicks ~ Things that you want "lightly" come easily
San Francisco 27th July 2013Thank you to the Source of this information, Abraham-Hicks
To learn more, visit their website
Video by Dewdrop157
August 31, 2013
Free ebook: "If thoughts create...then how do people attract negative events they have never thought about?" available at
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit
Abraham Hicks ~ Momentum & Power of Influence
In co-creation the one with the hghest momentum dominates. If onery people show up in your experience you must be on the onery disc.Free ebook: "If thoughts create...then how do people attract negative events they have never thought about?" available at
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit
August 20, 2013
iFree ebook: "If thoughts create...then how do people attract negative events they have never thought about?" available at
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit
Abraham Hicks ~ Should we eat genetically modified foods?
You attract what you want and you attract what you don't want. In your quest for good living you have developed habits. Where is your point of attraction and how does it make you feel - that is all you need to ask. You don't need to ask if the information on the website is true, because you can always find evidence to prove anything true.iFree ebook: "If thoughts create...then how do people attract negative events they have never thought about?" available at
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit
August 15, 2013
Free ebook: "If thoughts create...then how do people attract negative events they have never thought about?" available at
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit
Abraham Hicks ~ Your Vision Board doesn't match your Belief Board
The belief board has to come before the vision board, because if you don't believe it then it is a slower manifestation.Free ebook: "If thoughts create...then how do people attract negative events they have never thought about?" available at
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit
August 14, 2013
Abraham Hicks - The law of detraction
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August 12, 2013
Free ebook: "If thoughts create...then how do people attract negative events they have never thought about?" available at
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit
Abraham Hicks ~ What makes a good party?
What is the feeling of this event? How do you want the people assembled there to interact and feel? Don't try to figure out how to control the details - figure out how you want to feel about this occasion.Free ebook: "If thoughts create...then how do people attract negative events they have never thought about?" available at
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit
August 8, 2013
Thank you to the Source of this information, Abraham-Hicks
To learn more, visit their website
Abraham Hicks ~ Genetically Modified Food
Phoenix 29th June 2013Thank you to the Source of this information, Abraham-Hicks
To learn more, visit their website
July 7, 2013
Philadelphia - 25th May 2013
Thankyou to the Source of this information, Abraham-Hicks
To learn more, visit their website
Abraham Hicks - Don't like it? Then stop talking about it!
Abraham reminds us that nobody a gets to a solution by hammering at the problem.Philadelphia - 25th May 2013
Thankyou to the Source of this information, Abraham-Hicks
To learn more, visit their website
abraham hicks, abraham hicks 2013, abraham hicks philadelphia 2013
Abraham Hicks - The physical is the furthest extension of source
Philadelphia 25th May 2013Thank you to the Source of this information Abraham-Hicks.
To learn more, visit their website
Abraham Hicks ~ Can we get money by focusing on not getting it?
Chicago 2013-06-15For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit
July 6, 2013
Potential for misalignment is higher in co-creation, even though co-creation when all are aligned is huge in expansion. Mostly group dynamic are a Step One experience, and most Step Three experiences are done in solitude.
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit
Abraham Hicks ~ One is as powerful as Many
Wow!!! This is really important in understanding how LOA works.Potential for misalignment is higher in co-creation, even though co-creation when all are aligned is huge in expansion. Mostly group dynamic are a Step One experience, and most Step Three experiences are done in solitude.
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit
July 4, 2013
For more Abraham teachings, visit
Abraham: Good Food, Bad Food, Blah Blah Blah
Boston, Massachusetts 10/7/00For more Abraham teachings, visit
June 16, 2013
Abraham Hicks ~ Beliefs are thoughts with momentum
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit www.zmahoon.weebly.comSubscribe
June 7, 2013
Abraham-Hicks- Are You Addicted To Reality?
Taken from the 4-30-11 Houston, TX workshop. All audio is copyrighted by Abraham-Hicks publications. For more information on their works please visit: abraham-hicks.comSubscribe
June 6, 2013
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit
Abraham Hicks ~ These things I know...
Abraham rampages Philadelphia May 2013For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit
May 30, 2013
Abraham-Hicks: Why Buddha, Christ & Mohammed?
Abraham-Hicks: Why Buddha, Christ & Mohammed?Subscribe
abraham-hicks, abraham, hicks, why, christ, buddha, mohammed, law of attraction,
Abraham Hicks ~ Finding the truth
What is the truth? Whose truth is the real truth? What does truth mean? what we believe to be the truth lays the foundation for our beliefs. All beliefs are true, because our truths create our expectations and our manifestations cooperate with them.This is the workshop close from Los Angeles 2004.
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit
May 24, 2013
Thank you to the source of this information, Abraham-Hicks. To learn more, visit their website
Portland 11th August 2012
Abraham Hicks - Releasing resistance to Big Money
This is one of my personal favourites. A good reminder that it is just as easy to get to the big stuff as the little stuff if you can release resistance.Thank you to the source of this information, Abraham-Hicks. To learn more, visit their website
Portland 11th August 2012
abraham hicks, abraham hicks money
Abraham Hicks - The Universe Is Waiting On Your Vibration To Deliver
Unless you do something about your vibrational countenance, nothing can change. Nothing long term will change, that's certain... Haven't you noticed that a new disease pops up, and humanity finds the cure, only to find another disease popping up? Don't you think it's interesting that you don't get to the end of those diseases? The reason you don't, is because you have not yet come to the end of pushing against things.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, August 13th, 2005
Abraham Hicks
May 22, 2013
Abraham Hicks ~ Transition of beloved dog
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit www.zmahoon.weebly.comSubscribe
abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen
May 20, 2013
Abraham Hicks - Taking Action, Important Step On Manifesting
SubscribeAbraham Hicks, Law Of Attraction, Love, Kindness, Humility, Self-Improvement, Self, Universe, Consciousness, Vortex
May 18, 2013
Great appreciation and LOVE to ALL!
Abraham Hicks ~ God
credits of all my vids are at the end.. :)Great appreciation and LOVE to ALL!
Abraham, Hicks, Jerry, Esther, Gisele, Frederich, law, of, attraction, manifest, manifesting, create, reality, thoughts, emotions, raise, vibration
May 17, 2013
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit
Abraham Hicks ~ Momentum and Manifestation
When manifestation is already under way it has momentum and therefore it is hard to change the outcome - the only way you can alter it is by taking action. Deliberate creating is pre-paving your way so that the manifestation that unfolds is pleasing.For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit
abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen
Abraham Hicks ~ Changing the way you look at things
When you're in the middle of an argument or co-creating with others in a situation where things could go wrong really quickly, you can step back just for a moment and mentally make a choice about what sort of "momentum" you want this rolling stone to capture - it could roll down one side of the hill or the other - you have that moment to decide which way you're going to send it.For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit
abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen
May 8, 2013
Great appreciation and LOVE to ALL!
Abraham Hicks ~ The Heart of the Feeling
credits of all my vids are at the end.. :)Great appreciation and LOVE to ALL!
Abraham, Hicks, Jerry, Esther, Gisele, Frederich, law, of, attraction, manifest, manifesting, create, reality, thoughts, emotions, raise, vibration
April 28, 2013
Abraham: How you and we all fit together is a collection of 1,100 Abraham video clips organised by subject.Subscribe
abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen
Abraham: Tricky little twist is a collection of 1,100 Abraham video clips organised by subject.Subscribe
abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen
April 27, 2013
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit
Abraham Hicks ~ Your Perception Creates Your Grid (can you imagine a different route to work?)
Wonderful example: Can you find another route to get to work? in the same way you can find another way into the vortex - other than the subject of money. This is a continuation of the conversation: "Access Denied".For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit
abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen
April 24, 2013
Check out the music-free version:
All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website:
Ryan Farish - Sea Of You / Beautiful (Mixed with waves sound)
Thank you all for watching my videos and your lovely comments!!!
Much love and appreciation to ALL!!! ♥¸.•¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨♥ ;-)
Abraham Hicks~ You can be happy under any and all conditions
Extracted from: Long Beach 02/11/2012. I was there, It was a wonderful workshop.Check out the music-free version:
All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website:
Ryan Farish - Sea Of You / Beautiful (Mixed with waves sound)
Thank you all for watching my videos and your lovely comments!!!
Much love and appreciation to ALL!!! ♥¸.•¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨♥ ;-)
Abraham-Hicks, Abraham, Esther Hicks, Abe, Feel Good, Feeling Good, Emotional Grid, Grid, Manifest, Manifestation, Get Happy, Happiness, Law of Attraction
April 23, 2013
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit
Abraham Hicks ~ Why it's hard to let go?
If you have a train going at a 100 miles an hour in one direction, can you suddenly make it go in another direction? You first have to slow it down, then make it turn. The same applies to your habit of thought - it has momentum - you have to slow it down in order to change it and you do this by going general.For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit
abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen
April 22, 2013
Abraham: An example of creating by default is a collection of 1,100 Abraham video clips organised by subject.Subscribe
abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen
April 20, 2013
Abraham: 2013-03-21 Gold Coast, Power of Influence over Others is a collection of 1,100 Abraham video clips organised by subject.Subscribe
abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen
Abraham: Is reality real? is a collection of 1,100 Abraham video clips organised by subject.Subscribe
abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen
April 18, 2013
Abraham Hicks- Where is your Grid spinning ?
Extracted from the Abraham Hicks workshop :Sydney - 2013.03.17. All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website: http://www.abraham-hicks.comSubscribe
Abraham Hicks
March 16, 2013 is a collection of 1,100 Abraham video clips organised by subject. is my personal journey towards financial freedom started Feb 27th, 2013 is a guide to financial fitness for Canadians is my point of view about investments and financial planning in Canada.
Abraham: Is everyone always right?
Things like genocide and murder are not in the vortex, so if we withdraw our attention from them we can eliminate them from our experience and this applies to everything in life. is a collection of 1,100 Abraham video clips organised by subject. is my personal journey towards financial freedom started Feb 27th, 2013 is a guide to financial fitness for Canadians is my point of view about investments and financial planning in Canada.
abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen

March 12, 2013
What does it mean to be a spiritual hero? It is a bold and audacious idea, but I think that especially in our time, when there are many people looking for ways to step forward and make the world a better place, more and more of us are going to have to be willing to be just that, in order to take responsibility for where it is that we are all going. We're going to have to be willing, in all our imperfection, to be exemplars of what's possible and to stand for Spirit in a disbelieving world.
When we awaken to the truth and reality of Spirit, we see much more deeply into the nature of who we are and into the nature of reality itself. And it is there that we can discover a fearless courage to live this life for the highest reasons, and be a representative of that deeper and higher reality in this world. I have no doubt that the degree to which any one of us is willing to do that is the degree to which we're going to have a real impact on the future of our evolving consciousness and culture.
—Andrew Cohen
Abraham Hicks - Law Of Attraction & Gay Rights
To Stand for SpiritWhat does it mean to be a spiritual hero? It is a bold and audacious idea, but I think that especially in our time, when there are many people looking for ways to step forward and make the world a better place, more and more of us are going to have to be willing to be just that, in order to take responsibility for where it is that we are all going. We're going to have to be willing, in all our imperfection, to be exemplars of what's possible and to stand for Spirit in a disbelieving world.
When we awaken to the truth and reality of Spirit, we see much more deeply into the nature of who we are and into the nature of reality itself. And it is there that we can discover a fearless courage to live this life for the highest reasons, and be a representative of that deeper and higher reality in this world. I have no doubt that the degree to which any one of us is willing to do that is the degree to which we're going to have a real impact on the future of our evolving consciousness and culture.
—Andrew Cohen
Abraham Hicks, law of attraction, Success, Personal, Coaching, Attraction, Secret, Speaker, Motivation, Inspiration
Abraham Hicks- what's this life all about
All the instruction for life u were looking for or needed. Amazing simplicity of life!For more information about these fantastic teachings go to:
Life, law of attraction, blog, how to live, teaching of abraham hicks, Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks, manifesting, money, make money

March 11, 2013
If I am all the time measuring myself against you, struggling to be like you, then I am denying what I am myself. Therefore I am creating an illusion. When I have understood that comparison in any form leads only to greater illusion and greater misery, just as when I analyse myself, add to my knowledge of myself bit by bit, or identify myself with something outside myself, whether it be the State, a saviour or an ideology- when I understand that all such processes lead to greater conformity and therefore greater conflict- when I see all this I put it completely away.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Abraham Hicks - Working On Yourself ,You Are Helping The World
Measuring myself against you denying what I am myselfIf I am all the time measuring myself against you, struggling to be like you, then I am denying what I am myself. Therefore I am creating an illusion. When I have understood that comparison in any form leads only to greater illusion and greater misery, just as when I analyse myself, add to my knowledge of myself bit by bit, or identify myself with something outside myself, whether it be the State, a saviour or an ideology- when I understand that all such processes lead to greater conformity and therefore greater conflict- when I see all this I put it completely away.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Abraham Hicks, esther hicks, law of attraction, the secret, The Secret (2006 Film), Success, Coach, Personal, World, Attraction

Blog Archive
- Abraham Hicks - Momentum & Power of Influence
- Abraham Hicks - Should We Eat Genetically Modified...
- Abraham Hicks - Your Vision Board Doesn't Match Yo...
- Abraham Hicks - The Law Of Detraction
- Abraham Hicks - What makes a good party?
- Abraham Hicks - Genetically Modified Food
- Abraham Hicks - Hold A Thought For 17 Sec And It S...
- Abraham Hicks - The Disc Matters More Than The Sub...
- Abraham Hicks - Don't Like It? Then Stop Talking A...
- Abraham Hicks - The Physical Is The Furthest Exten...
- Abraham Hicks - Can We Get Money By Focusing On No...
- Abraham Hicks - One Is As Powerful As Many
- Abraham Hicks - You Can Stop Momentum In The Early...
- Abraham Hicks - Good Food, Bad Food, Blah Blah Blah
- Abraham Hicks - Why Buddha, Christ & Mohammed?
- Abraham Hicks - Finding The Truth
- Abraham Hicks - Don't Help Each Other
- Abraham Hicks - Releasing Resistance To Big Money
- Abraham Hicks - The Universe Is Waiting On Your Vi...
- Abraham Hicks - Transition of Beloved Dog
- Abraham Hicks - Taking Action, Important Step On M...
- Abraham Hicks - God
- Abraham Hicks - The New Emotional Scale
- Abraham Hicks - Momentum and Manifestation
- Abraham Hicks - Cluttered Desires
- Abraham Hicks - Changing The Way You Look At Things
- Abraham Hicks - The Heart of the Feeling
- Abraham Hicks - Do You Trust In The Law Of Attract...
- Abraham Hicks - How You And We All Fit Together
- Abraham Hicks - Tricky Little Twist
- Abraham Hicks - Your Perception Creates Your Grid
- Abraham Hicks - You Can Be Happy Under Any And All...
- Abraham Hicks - Why it's hard to let go?
- Abraham Hicks - An Example Of Creating By Default
- Abraham Hicks - Power of Influence over Others
- Abraham Hicks - Is Reality Real?
- Abraham Hicks - Where Is Your Grid Spinning?
- Abraham Hicks - Now We Are Free
- Abraham Hicks - Wonderful World