Abraham Hicks - Is Everyone Always Right?

March 16, 2013

Abraham: Is everyone always right?

Things like genocide and murder are not in the vortex, so if we withdraw our attention from them we can eliminate them from our experience and this applies to everything in life.

http://theJoyOfAlignment.com is a collection of 1,100 Abraham video clips organised by subject.

http://60dayincomechallenge.com is my personal journey towards financial freedom started Feb 27th, 2013

http://1000questionsaboutmoney.com is a guide to financial fitness for Canadians

http://investmentopinions.net is my point of view about investments and financial planning in Canada.
abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen
Abraham: Is everyone always right?

Abraham Hicks - Law Of Attraction & Gay Rights

March 12, 2013

Abraham Hicks - Law Of Attraction & Gay Rights

To Stand for Spirit

What does it mean to be a spiritual hero? It is a bold and audacious idea, but I think that especially in our time, when there are many people looking for ways to step forward and make the world a better place, more and more of us are going to have to be willing to be just that, in order to take responsibility for where it is that we are all going. We're going to have to be willing, in all our imperfection, to be exemplars of what's possible and to stand for Spirit in a disbelieving world.

When we awaken to the truth and reality of Spirit, we see much more deeply into the nature of who we are and into the nature of reality itself. And it is there that we can discover a fearless courage to live this life for the highest reasons, and be a representative of that deeper and higher reality in this world. I have no doubt that the degree to which any one of us is willing to do that is the degree to which we're going to have a real impact on the future of our evolving consciousness and culture.

—Andrew Cohen
Abraham Hicks, law of attraction, Success, Personal, Coaching, Attraction, Secret, Speaker, Motivation, Inspiration
Abraham Hicks - Law Of Attraction  Gay Rights

Abraham Hicks - What's This Life All About

Abraham Hicks- what's this life all about

All the instruction for life u were looking for or needed. Amazing simplicity of life!

For more information about these fantastic teachings go to:
Life, law of attraction, blog, how to live, teaching of abraham hicks, Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks, manifesting, money, make money
Abraham Hicks- whats this life all about

Abraham Hicks - The "Veil of Forgetfulness"

Abraham: The "Veil of Forgetfulness"?

Phoenix, AZ 03/19/05

For more Abraham teachings, visit www.abraham-hicks.com
abraham-hicks, esther, jerry, hicks, vortex, joy, abe, loa, source, remembering, forgetfulness, phoenix, arizona, 2005, Esther Hicks, Abraham, Law Of Attraction
Abraham: The Veil of Forgetfulness?

Abraham Hicks - Working On Yourself, You Are Helping The World

March 11, 2013

Abraham Hicks - Working On Yourself ,You Are Helping The World

Measuring myself against you denying what I am myself
If I am all the time measuring myself against you, struggling to be like you, then I am denying what I am myself. Therefore I am creating an illusion. When I have understood that comparison in any form leads only to greater illusion and greater misery, just as when I analyse myself, add to my knowledge of myself bit by bit, or identify myself with something outside myself, whether it be the State, a saviour or an ideology- when I understand that all such processes lead to greater conformity and therefore greater conflict- when I see all this I put it completely away.

Jiddu Krishnamurti
Abraham Hicks, esther hicks, law of attraction, the secret, The Secret (2006 Film), Success, Coach, Personal, World, Attraction
Abraham Hicks - Working On Yourself ,You Are Helping The World